Bismarck | Mandan's Custom Home Build and Remodel Professionals

Should I Stay or Should I Go, Now?

The question above goes beyond a popular hit by The Clash and extends into possibilities surrounding your home. Many homeowners reach a point in their residency when they ask themselves whether they should stay or go.

What prompts a reconsideration of their living arrangements?

Any and all of these:

  • A growing family
  • Aging appliances and finishes
  • Frustration with functionality
  • Changing tastes

If you’re considering a change of address, be sure to explore all of the options that await you. When it comes to a new home there are three distinct paths that Truebuild Homes can help you navigate and we’ll explore together in this blog

3 New Home Options

  1. Renovate
  2. Rebuild
  3. New Construction

1. Renovate

Renovations (or remodels) run rampant on Pinterest boards, lifestyle channels and social media reels. They include minor and major changes to a home. Deciding whether a renovation is the direction you should take when you’re seeking change to a living space really depends on the extent of change you’re seeking and how much you enjoy your neighborhood.

Reasons to Renovate

  1. You love your neighborhood. Renovation is a great option if you really enjoy your current location. This includes proximity to places you frequent, friendliness of your neighbors and the general condition of other homes in your “hood.”
  2. You’re happy with most of your home’s features. If your house only has a few sore spots like the kitchen, a bath, or perhaps a dated or unfinished basement, renovation could be the route for you. If, however, you despise more than you adore then a rebuild or new construction may be a better direction.
  3. You don’t plan on staying there for-ev-er. Small scale renovations can be a relatively quick and cost effective way to keep your home sales-ready (think “lipstick” updates to your home). If you don’t plan on remaining in the home for a longhaul, the investment of time and money in a rebuild may not be realized by you.
  4. You value established neighborhoods. Mature trees, established travel routes, less construction noise and mess, original charm. There are an endless amount of reasons to why living in an established neighborhood would be favored.

Once a decision to renovate or remodel has been made, there are plenty of ways to get the job done. If the updates are cosmetic, you may be able to tackle them yourself. This includes repainting, replacing appliances, small fixtures and more.

If your renovations include removing semi-permanent items like flooring, countertops, cabinets or extend into more significant changes like moving walls it’s best to call in the experts. Home improvement stores can lend some help and you can always call on specific trades.

Another option is to lean into the expertise that a design + build firm like Truebuild Homes brings. While it’s not the cheapest route, it is the best route to ensure the project goes smoothly, stays on budget and you end up with exactly what you want. Contracting the entire project out also means that you’ll have access to expert opinions regarding construction (code requirements and necessary permits included) along with design expertise.

Here’s a short list to get your home renovation ready:

  • Document your frustrations and home’s shortcomings
  • Consider solutions, ways to make your home more functional and aesthetically pleasing
  • Develop a budget and consider if the expenses over improve your home
  • Be honest about what you can/should DIY and what you need the experts for
  • Reach out to a contractor or design + build company for a consultation

Curious about what a renovation can lead to? Check out the following projects that we’ve completed on behalf of clients like you.

Truebuild Homes renovations:

  1. Clarirmont Haus
  2. Caldwell Kitchen
  3. Kurtz Remodel

If after reading this section you’ve determined that a renovation doesn’t fit the bill for what you want your home to become, keep reading!

2. Rebuild & Additions

If the difference between your current house and your dream home is major, you may want to consider a more drastic approach. That leads us to rebuilds or new construction. A rebuild includes a complete or partial teardown of your existing home to make room to reconstruct a home based on your specific needs. An addition is just that-adding more space to your current home through additional square footage.

While a rebuild gives you more options than renovations, you’ll still be limited by your foundation, lot and neighborhood restrictions.

Reasons to explore a rebuild:

  1. You love your neighborhood. Just like a remodel, renovation is a great option if you really enjoy your current location. This includes proximity to places you frequent, friendliness of your neighbors and the general condition of other homes in your “hood.” Rebuilding over a remodel might be the better option if remodel costs outweigh rebuilding or if the time it takes is too great.
  2. Your functional needs can be met. Remember, with a rebuild you’re limited to the footprint of your original home, or close to it. Does that provide enough space to accomplish your goals for improved function and enjoyment?
  3. You plan on sticking around for a while. Rebuilds are costly. If you don’t plan on living in the home for an extended period of time, you may not recoup your investment.

Rebuilds and larger additions really require the expertise of experienced contractors. Not only is it important to understand building codes and ordinances, it’s important to know what you can accomplish with a rebuild, what the anticipated costs will be and the timeline for completion.

General homebuilders are a resource for rebuilds but may lack in-house design and drafting expertise. Design + build companies like Truebuild are a complete stop capable of conducting site reviews, architectural design, construction management and more.

While rebuilds are typically more challenging than renovations, they do offer unique benefits.

Advantages of a rebuild:

  • A mature neighborhood. Think established lawns, grown trees, complete sidewalks and more.
  • Little or no construction nearby. Unlike a new development that’s bustling with heavy equipment, construction debris and loose soil, rebuilds are often nestled in with finished homes.
  • Connected roadways. Existing neighborhoods likely have a full network of paved roads including dedicated emergency and snow routes.
  • Architectural diversity. A common benefit of rebuilds is that they happen in older neighborhoods that feature an array of home styles, textures and finishes.

Yep, there are a lot of excellent reasons to consider a rebuild to realize your dream home. There are also challenges to keep in mind. You’ll want to consider the limitations of the lot, restrictive covenants and overbuilding for the neighborhood.

No home? No problem!

We want to let you in on a little secret… you don’t have to have a home to benefit from a rebuild. If you’re still in the market for a home you can purchase with the intent of a rebuild.

Real estate is all about location, location, location. If there is a neighborhood that you love but not a home for sale that you like, talk to a design + build firm. It may be in your best interest to purchase a house with the intent to tear it down and rebuild.

In fact, a good contractor can work hand-in-hand with you and a realtor, if necessary, to determine an offer that will make a purchase and tear down economically practical.

Infill Construction

Before we move onto new construction, it’s good to share a bit about infill construction. Infill simply means there is a vacant lot within an established neighborhood that is ready to be constructed upon. Sometimes hard to identify, infill lots are sometimes mapped by a city or county assessor’s office. Realtors are also a good resource for identifying infill opportunities.

Truebuild Homes Infill Examples

We’ve completed a handful of infill projects. Click on a link below to read about the process and thumb through photos.

  1. Sweet Row
  2. Kessel Run
  3. B12
  4. 5050 House

3. New Construction 

Our third and final route to taking root in your dream home is new construction. New construction is perhaps the cleanest path to getting the perfect pad. 

Predictable from a pricing and planning perspective, new construction takes advantage of a cleared lot, current building codes and almost limitless construction options.

Homeowners get their choice of a lot, floor plan and all finishes. Digital walkthroughs can help you decide where walls go, what finishes to use and how your favorite piece of furniture will fit. They also allow you to change your mind before a hammer swings and screws turn.

Reasons to consider new construction:

  1. You want complete control. New construction offers the most options when it comes to designing your space. You’re not restricted to an existing foundation or load-bearing walls.
  2. You don’t have a home or your current home isn’t worth investing in. New construction could win favors over renovations or rebuilds if those options don’t make economical sense.
  3. You want to grow with the neighborhood. There’s something to be said about getting in first and growing up together. New construction often draws people in similar life phases, which could mean an abundance of kids the same age or owners in the same life stage.

New construction isn’t for the faint of heart. There are a lot of decisions to be made from light plate covers to all light fixtures, but in the end you’ll have a home built just for you.

Design + Build firms like Truebuild are committed to making the experience enjoyable, not exhausting. Steps in the process help reduce stress and ensure timelines are met, budgets followed and expectations exceeded.

Want to know more? Take a peek at our complete process.

Contemplating new construction?

Consider these next steps:

Write up what you want and need. A great way to start is to consider the five W’s. 

  • Who does the home need to meet the needs of? 
  • What do I want? Features, finishes, style, etc.
  • Where do I want to live? Downtown, on the fringe, rural, etc.
  • When do I want to begin or when do I want to walk across the threshold?
  • Why am I considering new construction? Is this the best way to get what I want?

And finally…

  • Reach out to a contractor. Truebuild Homes offers complimentary consultations. Simply visit or click here.
  • Talk to your lender to determine your borrowing power and to learn about construction loan options.

New construction is an exciting and sometimes scary endeavor. There’s a lot of money and trust on the line. Fortunately, there is ample evidence the outcome is worth it. Make sure to spend ample time researching the right contractors and reviewing their work. We’re happy to share some feedback from our clients.

Truebuild Homes customer testimonials:

  • “One thing we’ve seen from other builders is that it’s a job for them. But with Plain View (Truebuild Homes), we felt like this was their passion and their soul.” Coleman Family
  • “Plain View (Truebuild Homes) took all of our wants, needs, descriptions, input and dove into even the simplest minute details like sun direction, views and lot position and put their own spin on it and came up with exactly what we were looking for.” Zachery Flurer

New construction and design projects featured online:

  1. Heartwood Haus
  2. Wing House
  3. Elm Tree

So, should you stay or should you go? The answer? Depends. There’s a lot to think about and every family’s needs are unique. We invite you to contact us

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